Auditing static machine learning anti-Malware tools against metamorphic attacks
Published in Journal Computers & Security, 2021
This paper presents an exhaustive evaluation of the state-of-the-art approaches for malware classification against common metamorphic attacks.
The metamorphic techniques investigated in this work include:
- Dead code insertion.
- Register reassignment.
- Subroutine reordering.
- Code reordering through jumps.
The machine learning-based classifiers evaluated include:
- MalConv: Raff et al. 2018. “Malware Detection by Eating a Whole EXE”. AAAI Workshops 2018
- AvastConv: Krčál et al. 2018: “Deep Convolutional Malware Classifiers Can Learn from Raw Executables and Labels Only”. ICRL Workshops 2018.
- ShallowConv: Gibert et al. 2017. “Convolutional neural networks for classification of malware assembly code”. CCIA 2017.
- Structural entropy-based CNN: Gibert et al. 2018. “Structural entropy-based convolutional neural networks for malware classification”. IIAI-AAAI 2018.
- Logistic regression + N-Gram features
Recommended citation: Daniel Gibert, Carles Mateu, Jordi Planes, Joao Marques-Silva. (2021). "Auditing static machine learning anti-Malware tools against metamorphic attacks." Journal Computers & Security.
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